Personal Compassionate Care for Our Best Friends and Those Who Love Them
Personal Compassionate Care for Our Best Friends and Those Who Love Them

Dr. Donald Kreider V.M.D. has practiced veterinary medicine in Southampton, PA. for the past 45 years with absolute respect and integrity as his hallmark.
Pet Cremation Services
Pet Cremation Services
Losing a beloved pet can be emotionally devastating. They’re considered true members of the family and bring years of joy, happiness, and love into our lives.
During this time of loss it’s comforting to turn to someone with compassion and understanding to provide caring and ethical cremation services for your pet – all performed on premises by Dr. Kreider. Click here for more info.
Dr. Kreider offers a full range of surgical and dental services for your pet
Dr. Kreider offers a full range of surgical and dental services for your pet